Observation Requests: University and Alternative Certification Program (ACP)

If you would like to fulfill your University or ACP observation hour requirements in Gilmer ISD, please complete the application below.

We will fulfill placements on a first come basis of those who have provided all the requested documentation. Only those applications that are complete at the time of receipt will be reviewed.

Observation Procedures and Guidelines

Observation Guidelines
  1. All cell phone use for any purpose during observations is prohibited.
  2. Professional dress is required for all observers.
  3. Provide the campus with your driver’s license when you arrive on campus to receive a visitor’s badge.
  4. You may only observe on the campuses provided to you by the assistant superintendent.
  5. Remember that all information concerning students is confidential.
  6. The campus administrator has the authority to deny or discontinue requests for observations.
  7. Respect the campus making decisions of which classrooms and teachers you will be assigned to observe.
  8. You will be notified of your assignment via email from Dr. Dawn Harris. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the assigned cooperating teacher to schedule time(s) that best fits his/her instructional schedule.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Dawn Harris, Assistant Superintendent at or 903-841-7400.